L'Île de Barataria

Dedicated “To Maurice Barrès in memoriam”—recall that Barrès had written impressions of his travels in Spain, in Du sang, de la volupté, de la mort (1894), and Greco ou le Secret de Tolède (1911)—L’Île de Barataria (Paris: Albin Michel, 1929), the sole novel by the composer, musicographer, and hispanist Henri Collet (1885–1951), alludes to Cervantes’s Don Quixote and more specifically to Chapter XLV of the Second Part (1614), entitled “De cómo el gran Sancho Panza tomó posesión de su insula y del modo que comenzó a gobernar” (“How the Great Sancho Panza Took Possession of His Island, and the Manner in which He Set about To Govern It”).

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genreFiction (Novel)
editorAlbin Michel
place of publicationParis
years of publication1929