Du songe au son. Jean-Claude Risset : Entretiens avec Matthieu Guillot

This book presents the musical and scientific work of Jean-Claude Risset through a series of interviews. Though a good number of studies by or about him already existed, Risset, and especially his compositions, remained little-known outside of research on music since 1945. There are few recordings on disc or online, and even these only present a limited range of his works. His name remains associated mainly with the development of digital sound, of which he was a pioneer.

In these interviews, Risset looks back on his entire career. The result is a memoir of musico-scientific life in France and the United States, with attention to the evolution of technology and to the figures involved in research (whether musicians, scientists, theorists, pedagogues, or all of the above). The book therefore represents an important source for the history of digital sound.

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place of publicationParis
years of publication2008
edited byMatthieu Guillot
same ashttp://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41407807m